Bilionsh or Benionsh
Is a Moroccan village located 7 kilometers from the city of Ceuta in the employment of the Fnideq Strait, Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, north of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Bilionsh is facing north and east on the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by the city of Fnideq to the south, and also bordering the east of the inspection area.Bilionsh is surrounded by a series of highlands, the highest of which is Mount Moses. It is also a fertile valley with many springs.
The village had a rich history and was sung by poets and scholars
It is said in Bilionsh:
Bilionsh is a paradise, but its path is breaking the law
As the mole is seen only by those who exceeded the strife
- Judge Ayad
And I remember our nations, and they came in their shadow,
Ableonish did not dry grew her sport and Gad on her song towards the clouds
- Abu Al-Abbas Al-Ainsti
Is the paradise of the world that is solved
He received satisfaction, spirit and spirit
- Lahssan al-Din ibn al-Khatib.
Bilionsh Most beautiful beache in morocco
Reviewed by isaac nabil
7:35:00 PM

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