Al Hoceima city of dreams

Al Hoceima is one of Morocco's most beautiful cities, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, surrounded by mountainous terrain, and located in the middle of the Mediterranean coastline of Morocco. Is one of the most important cities of the Greater Rif region, the administrative capital of the province of Al Hoceima.

Although it is a city founded in the twentieth century, Al Hoceima has a great historical symbolism in the rural and Moroccan history, where it was one of the most important military centers crucial in the development of the rural war.

This city has been a major development in the level of infrastructure recently became a destination for both internal and foreign tourism because of the availability of the beaches and the wonderful abundance of fish.

Al Hoceima city of dreams Al Hoceima city of dreams Reviewed by isaac nabil on 8:43:00 AM Rating: 5

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