Chefchaouen city of magic and calm

We knew that fame would be money, beauty and positions.
Here it is different when simplicity is a standard of fame.
It is the city of Chefchaouen simple beauty mosaic dazzles its visitor.
Selected by the Croatian artist "Dominique Zdendkovic"
 A site for the battle of heroes of a new virtual video game began to work on.
According to foreign sites, the designer of the game said that in 1978 he had chosen a time for the war between the heroes and Chefchaun was a place for him. He said he loved Chefchevon during his visit and decided to turn it into a mysterious city.
The spokesman added that the wearing of some residents of the city of Jalabib in different dresses, made him think about the possibility of wearing the heroes of his game spies, which will make the game different.
The city of Chefchaouen is located in the north of the Morocco. It was originally called Achaouen. It was founded in 1471 by Ali bin Rashid and witnessed the entry of the Arab leaded by Musa Ben Naseer, who built a mosque there, as well as Tarek bno Ziad, who still has a mosque bearing his name. The city is known as the center of the Arab armies against Portuguese colonization. It is characterized by its rugged mountainous terrain, low valleys and steep slopes. It has an area of ​​4,350 square kilometers.

Chefchaouen city of magic and calm Chefchaouen city of magic and calm Reviewed by isaac nabil on 6:13:00 PM Rating: 5

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