Currently, Morocco is organising the 2016 United Nation climate conference, Cop22. It is held in Bab Ighli, Marrakesh from 7 to 18 November. 196 countries attended the submit and approximately 20000 partipants from all over the world. It is presided over by Salaheddine Mezouar, the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and it comes as a continuation to Cop21 held in Paris. The venue is seperated into 2 zones, the Blue Zone where negotiations take place and the Green Zone for actions and civil society space.
Today, the world countries are aware of the climate change as well as the urgent need to take actions and find effective solutions to fight against thjs dangerous problem. So, Cop22 focus is on finding ways to save the planet through many practical steps.
There are 5 major priorities of Cop22. The 1st one is enhancing climate change by reducing energy consumption in idustry and transport by 12% by2020, reconstructing forests, and by providing 43% of installed electrical power from renewable sources(solar and wind energy+ hydraulic energy). Tge second priority is technology transfer which manefests in reducing climate change via renewable energy, such as wind and solar power. The 3rd priority is capacity building ,i.e, protecting agricultural areas from erosion. The other 2 priorities include climate finance and the enhanced transparency framework.
Today at 10: 00 am, there was a commemoration of Africa Day in the presence of many Heads of African states. The event was held under the theme of "Moving from Commitment to Action" and its main objective was to discuss the climate changes in Africa ,in particular, for it is the most threatened and endangered part in the world by global warming. Its other objective was to call for speedy actions to help Africa.
In short, the planet is calling for help and it is every human being's responsibility to take action and to feel the urgent need to protect the earth and every green area left in it. So, it is high time to act and to be united to save the planet. Together for a green healthy place.
writed by Latifa El Moutaouakil
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The 2016 United Nation climate conference, Cop22
Reviewed by isaac nabil
11:20:00 PM

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