laayoune city in western sahara south of morocco

Laayoune is the largest city in Western Sahara, located south of the Kingdom of Morocco, the city of Laayoune overlooking the Atlantic Ocean to the west and is characterized by its temperate climate generally actually under the influence of the sea from the west and the desert currents from the south and east
The population is characterized by the multiplicity of races, there are desert tribes and Amazigh, minorities of Mauritanians, and the majority are sahraoui tribes  and nomads.
The distance between Agadir and Laayoune 650 km

The population of the city of Laayoune are simple and kind,
and generous, beside that the city is very cheap living unlike other cities
The tone is different from other citiesintellectual elite
laayoune city in western sahara south of morocco laayoune city in western sahara south of morocco Reviewed by isaac nabil on 9:42:00 PM Rating: 5

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