I would like to present to you in this topic how to protect your bag from being stolen at the airport, especially since there are many people complain that they had been stolen at the airport did not know, but after returning to their homes, there are several ways to open the bag, and can not be discovered by the person, especially bags zipper, and another way for bags in figures , no matter how developed it from the lock they are inspected in a professional manner by the people and this is well versed in all airports in the world.
But some countries put the sticker when they have been inspected officially by the customs authorities during shipping. But if the stealing was by workers who infused bags in the planes, with them what is the solution? Even if the stealing was discovered and you are at the airport, what is the evidence that you lose for your purposes?
From here we are trying to put a way to not steal the purposes of your bag Dear traveler, a plastic packaging method which is very important for the following reasons :
1. At first glance, it is clear to you Are plastic clip or covered like the way that you've made. You can subma complaint before you exit from the airport. (I mean you have an argument even minor).
2. maintaining the bag scratches or rupture.
3. protect it from getting wet especially when you exit from the airport in the cities where there is lots of rain if the bag of tissue type.
4. cohesion parts bag and not to damage the parties of the bag, breakage or fragmentation some internal parts. (Because the workers just threw it).
I hope I was helpful to you and you can also put forward some suggestions.
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How do you know that your bag was stolen something before you open it
Reviewed by isaac nabil
1:53:00 AM