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Learn some Moroccan meals

I will touch on this subject to some types of Moroccan meals famous Let's start with the most famous dish in the Kingdom of Morocc...

I will touch on this subject to some types of Moroccan meals famous

Let's start with the most famous dish in the Kingdom of Morocco: couscous. And couscous are many types, depending on the amounts used in the preparation 

1/ Couscous with chicken, chickpeas and raisins
Couscous moroccan

2/ Couscous with meat and green and red pumpkins and carrots and chickpeas

moroccan couscous

3/ Couscous with meat and vegetables

moroccan couscous

"Harira" or soup, a Moroccan meal very popular, are prepared daily during the month of Ramadan, as the Moroccans are taking it in the rest of the year, to be prepared by the following amounts: chickpeas, lentils, tomatoes, flour, celery, Aelkezbrh ...

moroccan soup , harira

Chickpeas with shin of beef

Moroccan tagine, a dish is almost officially in the Moroccan table, loggerheads way prepared for different parts of Morocco, and different occasions.

Tagine with chicken and olives

1/ Tagine with meat and plum

Tagine with meat and plum

2/ Tagine with chicken and olives

Tagine with chicken and olives

Tagine with chicken and olives

Alababosh or snail-eaters of the world's strangest cuisine and Ochhaha Vhads «tunica» or «Albbosh» as called by Moroccans, rarely longer in the home, So they are offered for sale in the markets. It is available in all seasons, including summer. Moroccans and confirms that the beneficial health snail soup, because it is fat-free, And suitable for the treatment of diseases of the chest, coughing, constipation, It also eases back and other diseases pain. 

moroccan kitchen

Roasted chicken main dishes in the Moroccan events And roasted chicken dishes vary according to the desire There is chicken fried raisins Chicken or roasted almonds or both And there is only chicken reddish acid shrine

moroccan kitchen

A Plate of Sardines

moroccan kitchen

Meat with plum

Meat with plum

Meat with plum

I hope you like this article, and if you have any question leave it in comment and I will reply as soon as possible 


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